Episode 11: FAMILY



Ok so way back in like August of 2020 as I was conceptualizing and planning out “The Talk”, I wanted to tackle all these tough topics over the course of the season, and then wrap it all up with a big old, feel-good celebration of family. Take a little break from the tricky conversations and just have a party. 

The thing is, family is pretty complicated and everyone feels differently about their family of origin. Some families are a place of haven and comfort and trust and fun…and others are places of trauma and hurt and manipulation and fear. If we’re lucky, our family members are people we can go to when it feels like the rest of the world just doesn’t understand us. But even if that’s not the case, we do have the option of choosing our families. Of trying to find and create a family that loves and serves those in it in the ways we always wished ours had done for us. The season finale of "The Talk" is all about family. Part season retrospective, part celebration, part reflection on the good, the bad, the ugly, the messy, the chaotic, the joyful, the tearful, the hopeful, and the redemptive aspects of family. You’ll hear about biological families, chosen families, adoptive, blended, fragmented, and radically remixed families.

New guests, old guests, and interviews with kids!


Episode 10: SEX