About the podcast

The Talk is a podcast about…well…“the talk”.

Well…kind of.

I started this podcast after noticing that a lot of other parents often seem a bit surprised at the way Jenny and I talk to our 4 and 6-year old kids. The level of candor, the leaning-in to typically uncomfortable topics, the casual nonchalance with which we discuss things like death and bodies and sex. I mean they’re so young! These are “adult” conversations, right?

I don’t think so. I think when we make them adult conversations—when we say things like “you don’t need to know about that at your age”, when we deflect or give partial truths, we’re doing our kids—and ourselves—a real disservice.

There are healthy ways to talk to children about anything, at any age. And if we try to figure out how to do this, not only are we giving them accurate and useful information, but we are building trust (which is the thing that may actually get us through when we get to the teenage years), and we are giving them the permission to be curious.

So The Talk is actually about flipping “the talk” on its head. Eliminating it. Making it obsolete by starting the conversations as soon as our children can understand us, and continuing them day in and day out.

So far on the podcast I’ve had conversations with child psychologists, teachers, authors, sex educators, writers, professionals, and lots of parents. I’m really excited about what we’ve begun, and I hope you’ll continue with us as we grow and learn more about how to create a communicative environment with our kids that is open, honest, and candid.

You can listen to The Talk on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and many other places (including here on this site!).


Jeremy Yaddaw (he/him) is the host, creator, and producer of The Talk. Jeremy is a musician, tinkerer, husband, father of two kids, and curious person who lives in Queens, NY but kind of wants to live in Vermont instead. He is not particularly talkative.