Episode 8: Non-Verbal Communication


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When we talk about communication most of us default to the assumption that we're talking about...talking. But in this episode we start exploring the importance of non-verbal communication, and especially the ways that relates to our communication with our kids.

We chat with Yolanda Williams about her raising her daughter Gia, advocacy and racial bias in the medical community, and about why viewing single parents as superheroes is counterproductive. Yolanda is a Certified Positive Discipline Coach and Host of the podcast Parenting Decolonized, a show that unpacks how colonization has impacted the black family and teaches parents how to raise liberated black children without breaking their spirits. When she’s not advocating for the safety and liberation of black children from white supremacy and parental oppression, she’s chasing her toddler around the house and trying to remain sane.

We also talk with Dr. Patricia Speier about the importance of understanding non-verbal communication, and about various strategies that all parents can learn and employ to maximize effective communication between parents and kids.

Additional thanks to Melody Davi and Eli Zoller for sparking the idea for and contributing to this episode.


Episode 9: RACE (Pt. 1&2)


Bonus: Cindy Wang Brandt